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General Jewelry Care

Please avoid contact with any perfumes, lotions, waters, and oils.

Remember to be gentle with your jewelry (no unnecessary pulling, tugging, etc.) All item on this site are handcrafted with love!

Please do not sleep, shower, or exercise with your jewelry.

Please keep jewelry out of the reach of children. This jewelry is not recommended for wear by children under the age of 12. If you choose to let your child (of any age) wear any of our creations, they MUST be supervised during wear. AS with any jewelry (especially those with small parts), it can pose a choking or strangulation hazard. (I know we as parents use our common sense and intuition, but I have also seen a toddler pull a stretchy bracelet over her head and around the neck so I just want to be safe and cover our base here!)


Metal Components

Many of our creations contain metal components (charms, pendants, clasps, beads, findings, etc.) I do my best to use high-quality materials, but all metal tarnishes over time. To preserve the life of your pieces, please store your jewelry in an airtight baggie when it’s not being worn.

Metal components can be polished with a jewelry cloth. No chemicals.


Stretch Bracelets

These bracelets are made with durable stretch cord and made to withstand normal wear. To keep them in their best shape, please roll them on and off (instead of pulling and stretching).